Are you over tanked?

We've been play testing a house rule here at base command. Some tank decks, while still beatable, tend to drag out game play due to their obscene defenses. For many of our home base players this type of play seldom has a high fun pay off. We implemented a rule to help keep a more realistic feel and to keep the game moving quickly, as it was meant to. This rule is a limit on defense.

In this house rule, each ship may use no more than one "Armor" and no more than one "Shield" card at a time. Only cards which have either of these words in their title are affected by the limit. This still allows a ship to be equipped with an Armor AND a Shield card, but only one of each. We've liked this rule quite a lot.

What do you think? Try out this rule in your Dog Fight group and let us know how it went.