The Bright Edge Expansion set (BEE) offers over 100 cards. In this set, three new NPC vessels are included. Also see the action cards for this set.
F.A.S. Pulsar
The F.A.S. Pulsar is a challenge vessel. It's low stats and unenviable abilities make for an ideal test ship for the player who can handle it all. The Pulsar can be played as a basic ship on its own or it can be played as an NPC vessel. As an NPC, the Pulsar has a "Rules" card and six Maneuvers cards which determine its moves in a game.
In Mission 002, Pulsar Escort, this vessel is intended to be played as an NPC support craft. The conteder player/team attempts to bring the Pulsar from one side of the map to the other side before the opposing side with their numerous drones (with the option to play as part of the deck or as NPC vessels) destroy it.
Drone: Vampire Bat
Also part of Mission 002, Vampire Bats can be played as NPCs or as part of your deck. In this case, as part of the deck the Vampire Bats would be played not as a ship but as Support Craft. To play as NPCs, a "Rules" card and six Maneuvers cards are provided. As part of your deck, the Vampire Bats are brought to the game as part of your Support Deck (maximum of 25 cards) and your action deck will need "Deploy: Drone" cards to bring these vessels into play. Sixteen Vampire Bats are included in BEE.
Platform: Assault Turrets
Mission 001 provides Platform: Assault Turrets, can also be played as NPCs or as part of your deck. In this case, as part of the deck the Assault Turrets would be played not as a ship but as Support Craft. To play as NPCs, a "Rules" card and six Maneuvers cards are provided. As part of your deck, the Assault Turrets are brought to the game as part of your Support Deck (maximum of 25 cards) and your action deck will need "Deploy: Platform" cards to bring these vessels into play. Six Assault Turrets are included in BEE.
Look for the Bridge Edge Expansion later in November, 2021.