The Game Crafter is subject to Wisconsin's state shelter-in-place policy which was extended to May 26. But they are now back in operation. You can read their official announcement here.
No joke, The Game Crafter (the manufacturer of Dog Fight: Starship Edition) is, not surprisingly, shut down for 3 weeks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is their official announcement, reproduced below.
Earlier today I heard about the Federal government finally passing legislation to protect the citizens from going bankrupt while being forced to stay in their homes due to the pandemic. I immediately had a meeting with my partners and we decided to shut down The Game Crafter, because we finally knew that our people would not lose their homes, or suffer any other catastrophic financial burdens. When we told the staff, we still had quite a few people asking if we would remain open as they all feel like part of The Game Crafter family, and they wanted to make sure that The Game Crafter would be safe as well. I told them that I think our customers will understand if we take a few weeks off to avoid anyone getting sick.
What This Means For You
We are completely shut down until April 24th, which is the date that the Wisconsin Governor’s shut down ends. So no orders will be filled during this time. However, when we return, we will pick up exactly where we left off. Urgent orders will be filled first, everything else will come quickly after that as we’ll be back up to full staff.
If you are one of our military or government clients who are considered to be essential and your needs are essential, please contact us at
Our customer service staff will still be working for this three week period answering questions.
You can still continue to make games on our web site and place orders. We will get to them as soon as we get back.
How Can You Help
Obviously while we’re shut down The Game Crafter still has massive expenses, for equipment, rent, loans, etc. So if you are willing to help us, that help would definitely be appreciated.
Please do not cancel your orders during this time. We will need them so that our staff can come back at full strength.
If you have some extra cash laying around, consider buying some crafter points so you can advertise your game, or get yourself a gift certificate for a future purchase.
Also subscribe to Component.Studio as it is absolutely the best way to design your game components. Also it’s currently our only source of revenue during the shutdown.
Thank You
Thank you for all of your support. We look forward to serving you again in 3 weeks.