2 players
A typical 2 player game pitting one player against another, your objective is simply to destroy the opponent's capital ship while preventing the same from happening to yours. This type of game is best suited for introducing new players.3 or more players
Dog Fight: Starship Edition is native for multiplayer games. There are no extra rules for having multiple opponents but simply by the number of players the game can take on a very different flavor.With multiple opponents players will find more options and more dangers. This leads to a higher demand for attention and forward thinking. Tactics that work well in a 2 player game my not yield the same success with multiple opponents.
For example, a common issue with 3 player games is the king-maker phenomenon. In 3 player games (or any game with an odd number of players) two players may pair off and battle until one ship is destroyed. The problem with this approach is the third ship is relatively unscathed and unspent.
In an odd-man-out situation, leaving one opponent untouched while other players engage in combat allows the neglected player to enter the fray later while near or at full strength. This often assures victory for the odd-man-out. Thus, the players determine the winner simply because of a short sighted approach to playing, not by how well any player performed. And the king-maker phenomenon typically lends itself to an unsatisfying game. Play smart.
Don't rush in unless you are prepared to do so.
It may prove advantageous to use one opponent as a diversion against another opponent.
Map tiles
Map tiles are included in sets with maps. These can add or hide obstructions. This way players can change the map for each game.The long game
Most games are played on a single map (made of two 10x16 mats). If you have access to more than one Core Set or any of the full Expansion Sets you'll also have the option of combining maps for a larger play area. This larger map makes for a longer game. Combine this with map tiles that can hide or add obstructions and you've got a highly customizable battle field as well as your customizable ship.Learn from the living legend. Admiral Sebastian offers the benefit of his wisdom and experience for your edification.